Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Why do I feed off gossip?  I battle with the never-ending battle of whether or not to share it (the sharing is always more fun), I loooove hearing it, and I kind of thrive on persuading others to give it up.  (Whether or not they do is beside the point)  I just learned something very juicy at work, and it is definitely something I should not share with ANYONE in the workplace.  Just very unprofessional and outside my privileges.  Yet I find myself dying to tell someone (which means Ill probably just tell my husband, as he is completely removed from the situation).  I dont really understand why gossip entrances me so.  I really admire those who are beyond-a-doubt trustworthy individuals (my aforementioned husband included).  I like to think that when it comes down to it I am pretty trustworthy, too.  But, come on!  Who doesnt love just a little scandal?


Danielle said...

I love it I love it I love it. Please email me the gossip.....or call me....or meet me somewhere and lets gossip....I'm dying.

Do Tell.

There's no such thing as a secret.

Alicia said...

I kinda wanna know. A lot.