Monday, June 1, 2009

Wedding Photos

So I was helping my friend with her baby while she took our friend's wedding photos on Saturday, and it was honestly a blast! While making sure she got in all the shots the couple and couple's parents really wanted, the bride's brother mentioned sunglasses... She actually said to her now-husband, "We should have brought our glasses for a "shades" shot!"


Why does every couple (at least, I swear every other Mormon couple) think they need a "cool shades" shot?

This is the most formal event of your life! (Most likely, anyway...) Stick to the basics, with a creative photographer to mix it up just a bit, and let it be beautiful. You don't need to sacrifice your personality, but come on. "Cool Shades"???

Thank goodness their glasses were in their car.

(Disclaimer: The rest of the wedding was incredibly beautiful and "cool shades"-esque free.)


Andrew said...

Hey, anyone who needs some wedding announcements I know this guy who is not only truly talented he's also awesome to work with. Holla back and I'll get his contact info to you.

Danielle said...

Is it too much to just say ' I hate people?'