Tuesday, November 11, 2008

so sweet...

I don’t understand stuff like this. Why does Deseret Book seek to capitalize over the love life of a prophet? Why does everybody like to pretend that Joseph and Emma had the ideal relationship? (Wasn’t she a little crazy? And didn’t he have a couple extra wives?) Furthermore, what is with this newfound Emma worship, anyway? I do respect her and I know that she went through a TON, and I really don’t blame her for staying in Nauvoo in the end… but do they have to publish all these Love Letters and A Love Story books and My Story movies, and does everybody in Utah have to name at least one of their daughters after her? I don’t think so.

I do think that prophets’ personal lives are worth studying, so that we can understand their backgrounds, learn from their experiences, and pay them the respect they deserve. But love letters??? Please. What’s next? Action figures? Video games? Chess sets (The Smiths vs. Angry mob… tar and feathers included)? Is anything sacred? I’m going to pay my respects by NOT buying sappy, probing, Mormon pop-culture paraphernalia.


Laurel said...

Ummm... I'm pretty sure they DO have Book of Mormon action figures, so I wouldn't put it past anyone.

And yes, I think you should just accept it and name your firstborn Emma.

Danielle said...

Emma....hmmm....go for it Michelle!

I'm still waiting for the video games. Maybe a few good ones for cell phones. Play and convert while you wait for the Doctor?

Alicia said...

I hear ya. Really, I do... I have always harbored hostility toward the Mormon-money-making-machines we call "Mormons". I'm pretty sure we shouldn't be capitalizing like this on prophets and the gospel. Hmmm.

Alicia said...

How's that for alliteration.

Kat said...

Amen. What about the love letters to his other wives...now that would really sell! Let's exploit those next.

Good Lord, can't we just let Emma rest in peace?

Danielle said...

I would totally wanna read the letters to ALL his wives....WOW....