Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Baby Talk

I've seen it again and again.
By people I really respect and love.
People I really didn't think would ever submit themselves
(or their children)
to such lame-ness.
Blogging as your child.
Like they are the ones who are talking all about how much they love Grandma.
Or how their trip to the zoo was so much fun. They love birdies and zebwas and playing in the fountain.
Get real.


Danielle said...

I think I actually feel hate just at the thought of this.

Michelle said...

I don't think it's as bad as bearing your testimony as your child... but it's up there.

Michelle said...

Oh - and I also don't like to hear kids, singing, or any combination of the two on people's answering machines.

Alicia said...

Michelle, I forgot all about the infant-bearing-their-testimony story. SOOO funny. And sick.

Laurel said...

How about entire Christmas newsletters from an 18-MONTH-OLD'S perspective? "I wuv my daddy. Mommy and me miss daddy when he's at work, but we wuv to spend time with him home. I wuv new baby bruhder."