Holidays. I love the holidays. And by "holidays", I am not simply referring to those this time of year dubbed The Holidays (combo Thanksgiving/Hanukkuh/Christmas/Kwanzaa), though these may or may not, in fact, be my favorite time of year. Back to my point -- All holidays, all throughout the year, just tickle my fancy. Likewise, holiday decorations can only add to this happiness, right? Or so one would think.
I'm all for getting into the spirit of any holiday. You go ahead and decorate to your little heart's content. However, I've got to draw the line somewhere.
Case in point:
Never been a fan of blow-up lawn decor. That doesn't mean I think every person who puts one in their yard is an idiot (though some of them are...). But come on. Let's put aside the fact that there are so many different genres of decoration styles represented here I can't even categorize them, and focus on my favorites.
The blow-ups. A headless horseman? Really? It's not enough to have a nasty-at-any-size ginormous inflatable spider over your garage... You've got to add the usually creepy, now corny cartoon-looking headless horseman to your front lawn. But then again, are inflatable anythings ever not cheesy? Money well-spent, folks. Money well-spent.
Then we've got the ghost window stickies, which I'm sure my aversion to are merely a result of my mother never letting us put them on our windows as children (when it would have actually been acceptable). And really, let's face it, probably wouldn't even bother me were it not for the "October Seasonal Aisle" spewed across the rest of residence.
I also like the randomly-thrown-in-there wreath between the two front windows. Let's hang some more Homemaking Night items, put a handful of Jumanji spiders everywhere, and call it a day!
A little harsh? Yeah. But that's how I feel about it.
Happy Halloween!
Okay, first of all - the fact that you erased the numbers from this house is hilarious.
I don't think there's anything more tacky than seasonal aisle vomit. Even at Christmas. But at least Christmas decorations evoke happiness. Three-foot elves climbing up my stairs wouldn't be nearly as creepy. Well... maybe...
Anyway - I want to write these people a letter and ask them why they decided to spend hundreds of dollars on Halloween shit, instead of using the money to replace Grandma's curtains in the living room window.
These are the kind of people we need to send to Iraq to get plastered by terrorists.
Honks. That's a funny name for a store.
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