So I've been getting a lot of flack lately. Why you ask? Well because I am:
Own a firearm
Future soccer mom
Have a newborn
Have cute hair and dress more towards the forward side of fashion
Oh yea, and I am a MORMON
I hate Sarah Palin. So much. Why does everybody assume because of the above statements regarding my demographic that I love her? That I think she is the savior of all appressed women?
I cringe when she speaks. I hate when she tries to be clever and make jokes. I love SNL skits that make fun of her. I hate her one liner jabs in debates.
She makes me feel embarrassed for being an intelligent woman. She sucks!
I'm voting Democratic.
These are silly reasons to make such a rash, and might I say LAME decision to vote democratic.
Vote democratic? You mean like for that Barack guy? Now, that is crazy...
I wish the race was between Palin and Biden- they are the only ones I like!!!
(And don't try to tell me you aren't on board with a HOT, funny, cool brunette thats into politics? Sound familiar?)
Though I TOTALLY appreciate where you're coming from, I still dislike Obama enough to let it all slide.
Yes, I am an idiot, non-informed American who knows close to nothing about her political credentials. No, I haven't actually seen any of her "ramblings" for myself. Yes, I get most of my material with which to base a Palin-opinion from others (pro- AND anti-Palins, btw). And yes, I'm pretty sure McCain chose her over other possible running mates because she is a woman.
But I still think that the McCain/Palin team has less of a chance of screwing our country than the tax-happy Obama/Biden team does.
Go Republicans!
(Still love you, though.) ;)
Don't hate her even though I REALLY wanted to. Although that Vogue glamor-shot of her is really lame.
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