Sunday, January 4, 2009


I spent some time last week with an acquaintance. It wasn't time I chose to spend, it was time required and requested, and I accepted, not knowing I would be spending time with this certain acquaintance.....but alas, I found myself there, spending the time, and.....well, just read this....

The conversation was OK, and I was semi-engaged in it. Suddenly, out of nowhere, I was singled out, and addressed with 'YOU have to see what my friend gave me for Christmas, YOU would love it.'

With a semi-forced smile and the 'Oh really, what is it?' that was DUE, but not sincere, I responded.

Then I was HIT with this BRICK, and I was truly blown away with NO IDEA of how to respond in a polite way.

'She made me a PLAQUE for my living room that says 'Having Everything is Believing that you DO.' Please understand, it didn't end there. She went on about what a great saying it is, and that she loves it SO MUCH.

I just listened. I waited for the Nonsense to STOP. Then I said something like 'Isn't it awesome when your friends know you SO WELL? I'm glad you are excited about it.'

Yup. I had to say something like that. Why do people corner me with this kind of emotional bombardment? First, I HATE THAT CRAP!!! Seriously. I HATE IT! How am I supposed to act excited about this stuff? I despise it on principal.

I'm also totally PISSED that the saying excites her. Why? I don't know. It totally bugs me. Having Everything is Believing that you do? Why do the Women of our time play these kind of mind games with themselves? This is self-trickery. And, why does she want everything to the point that she has to start the mind games in the first place? Does she really want everything? To me, this thing is just a complaint....a whiny, housewife with a grudge that wants to pull it off as a Holier-than-thou sort of self denial program.
Is this some sort of Mormon culture thing that I've been blissfully unaware 0f?

Having everything means getting rid of the tacky decor with the Stupid A saying on it. Seriously CHICK, occupy your thoughts with something more meaningful......print that on a plaque and hang it in your living room!
I still feel tortured that I even had this experience...sometimes, I just don't want to talk to people about their chotchsky's. I don't have an interest in what you hang on your walls, but I can assure you, when it's stuff like this, your better off keeping your TASTE to yourself.
(Confession - I do have a plaque in my's in my Son's room......but it says 'WILD THING, I THINK I LOVE YOU!)


Laurel said...

Seriously. I don't care how "true" any of these sayings are... I have absolutely NO desire to plaster my walls with them.

I think I offended my brother-in-law the other day while perusing the Deseret Book catalog I got in the mail (how I got on THAT list, I'll never know). There were MULTIPLE wall hangings with pictures of the temple (those are pretty!), with the words "Where Families Become Forever" (those make it RIDICULOUS).

Why does everything have to become "Mormonized" if it is sold at Deseret Book? Why can't it just be a nice religious picture, without alienating ANYONE else who might think it's simply nice? Why does it have to be Mormon-specific?

Any time someone puts something with words on it up in their home, it's like a bumper sticker for your living room. Why do you feel the need to DEFINE yourself with such blatant soap boxes?!!

Lisa said...

Yes, not into putting "quotes" on my walls. A big pet peeve is the recent glut of sayings that have the negative beginning line, then the "positive" twist, as in "It's not how we _______, it's what we______" . You get the idea. I have been thinking of making a sign that says "The possibilities are finite".

Lisa said...

by the way, I am a friend of Kat's.

Danielle said...

That is Genious. I would buy one.