There's a little something out there that I've been noticing lately. Since I took a little break from church that I like to call - 'The Holidays, 9 months pregnant, and the 2 month postpartum freebie,' I haven't been around 'the Mormons' a lot lately. (I call us all 'The Mormons' in reference to our cultural quirks).
So, now that I've been spending a little more time around 'the Mormons,' I've noticed this very strange phenomenon - all of these Women have a tenacious, ferocious, overpowering, and obnoxious way of making sure that everybody else knows 'How Busy' they are. I write it in quotations because I want you to picture me saying it while making the quotation hand gesture, because I have a really hard time swallowing this CLAIM everytime some Molly trys to bombard me with her 'Busy-ness.'
I think it's hilarious.
I also think it's completely ridiculous that women today have become so insecure with whatever it is that consumes their time, that they have begun this world wide competition over who does more, and who does what, and who can accomplish the most, and who can BE everything to EVERYONE. It's ludacris.
And, for that matter, when I hear what they are busy with I get really confused. Girls lunch, play dates, Girls night out, family parties, book clubs, gazillions of kids classes (karate, soccer, dance, gymnastics, piano, swimming - you name it, their kids do ALL OF IT), crocheting parties, SCENTSY parties, bow making parties, shopping excursions, photography groups, marathon training, exercising, meal freezing parties, house cleaning parties, local friends, old friends, MOM friends, SINGLE friends, Church friends, Non-member Friends....aren't all of these things OPTIONAL?
It's REALLY hard for me to sypathize with you, when you are choosing to bring all of thes 'obligations' on yourself. By the way.....they all sound like FUN to me, and it's hard for me to feel bad for you because your life is SO filled up with BUSY FUN, which doesn't really count as BUSY, just so you know. It's called partying ALL THE TIME.
I think you guys are lametards, and I'm bored with listening to why you are so busy, and how completely swamped you are with things that are totally FUN and you act like it's such a WORKLOAD. Just say no, and spare me the monologue about whatever it is that is filling up your time (actually, your ego with pride) - because I don't care. I am bored with you. I think you should just admit that you get to have a lot of fun, and stop acting like it's work, and you are so so so busy all the time. YOU ARE HAVING FUN.
The rest of us are working. Work is when you spend time doing things to aquire money to pay your bills and support your family. Please don't think that I don't equivocate raising children with working, because I totally do - it's a job that supports a family....see, that's what I said above....but I never saw no Girls night out support no family.....see where I'm going with this? Same thing goes for scentsy parties, girls lunches, and pilates class. Those things are just for fun - so don't complain to me about it.
Just tell me how much fun it is. Thats better. Because, truth be told, I know you aren't busier than ME. And you don't want to go there.

So, now that I've been spending a little more time around 'the Mormons,' I've noticed this very strange phenomenon - all of these Women have a tenacious, ferocious, overpowering, and obnoxious way of making sure that everybody else knows 'How Busy' they are. I write it in quotations because I want you to picture me saying it while making the quotation hand gesture, because I have a really hard time swallowing this CLAIM everytime some Molly trys to bombard me with her 'Busy-ness.'
I think it's hilarious.
I also think it's completely ridiculous that women today have become so insecure with whatever it is that consumes their time, that they have begun this world wide competition over who does more, and who does what, and who can accomplish the most, and who can BE everything to EVERYONE. It's ludacris.
And, for that matter, when I hear what they are busy with I get really confused. Girls lunch, play dates, Girls night out, family parties, book clubs, gazillions of kids classes (karate, soccer, dance, gymnastics, piano, swimming - you name it, their kids do ALL OF IT), crocheting parties, SCENTSY parties, bow making parties, shopping excursions, photography groups, marathon training, exercising, meal freezing parties, house cleaning parties, local friends, old friends, MOM friends, SINGLE friends, Church friends, Non-member Friends....aren't all of these things OPTIONAL?
It's REALLY hard for me to sypathize with you, when you are choosing to bring all of thes 'obligations' on yourself. By the way.....they all sound like FUN to me, and it's hard for me to feel bad for you because your life is SO filled up with BUSY FUN, which doesn't really count as BUSY, just so you know. It's called partying ALL THE TIME.
I think you guys are lametards, and I'm bored with listening to why you are so busy, and how completely swamped you are with things that are totally FUN and you act like it's such a WORKLOAD. Just say no, and spare me the monologue about whatever it is that is filling up your time (actually, your ego with pride) - because I don't care. I am bored with you. I think you should just admit that you get to have a lot of fun, and stop acting like it's work, and you are so so so busy all the time. YOU ARE HAVING FUN.
The rest of us are working. Work is when you spend time doing things to aquire money to pay your bills and support your family. Please don't think that I don't equivocate raising children with working, because I totally do - it's a job that supports a family....see, that's what I said above....but I never saw no Girls night out support no family.....see where I'm going with this? Same thing goes for scentsy parties, girls lunches, and pilates class. Those things are just for fun - so don't complain to me about it.
Just tell me how much fun it is. Thats better. Because, truth be told, I know you aren't busier than ME. And you don't want to go there.

hee hee
I just need to commend you on how TRUE these words are!!! While I definitely fit the criteria defining me as one who "thinks she is totally busy", I sure as hell hope I don't try to spill it to anyone and everyone I talk to each day -- making sure they know I am just so important, busy, and busy with really important, busy things.
Come on. We all live our lives just fine every day. It's not a competition, ladies.
May I interject a man's point of view? I don't differ in opinion much on this issue. I have, rather, something to add to all of those Utah Mormon Mothers that would apply to just about everyone.
About a decade ago the Mormon culture in Utah was all a blaze with the 7 Habits book. I avoided the book until recently. It's not a bad read (though I don't consider it holy writ or the only book out there) and as I read your comment on the 'busy ness' of Mormon mothers I think of one of the chapters in this 7 Habits book about the power of saying no.
According to the author, in order to say yes to the meaningful things in our lives we have to say no to what's not meaningful. I've also read something from another book from a Utah author (a financial book) stating that one of the major rules (in finance, but truly can be applied anywhere)is that one can have anything in life, but not everything in life.
So, to not just the Utah Mormon Mothers, but to all(present company, including myself) I suggest you double check what's so important for you to be so busy.
I, too, would love to have pilates, marathon training, girls' night out, Mary Kay parties, grocery shopping, and soccer practice. I would love to be Mr. Mom, and I would do a great (non-paying) job at it.
haah I don't know who you are...but this is freakin hilarious...Love your blog....keep up the good work ;)
hahahaha, I friggin love your blog! I am LDS and lazy, I hate to say yes and feel obligated to do anything, but I also roll my eyes at all those moms that complain about how terrible life is cause they signed their children up to do thirty sports, and agreed to do walks, pilates, scentsy, tupperware, pampered chef, girls night out, scrapbooking, etc.... So I agree shut the hell up for all the partying you agreed to do!
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