Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Baby ....GIFT?....

I don't really know how many there are, but it looks like a lot.

When he gave me the diapers, I was on the phone. (What? I was at work). He left them by me, and we made eye contact. I mouthed the words 'thank you' and that was that.

A few days later, I ran into him at work again. He casually said in passing ' just leave some cash for me, for the diapers, whenever you get to it.'

WHAT THE....???

I laughed. And looked back at him as if he were pulling my leg.

A few days following that, he said it again. So, this time I responded. 'Oh, are you serious? I thought you were giving me a gift?' (how silly of me to miss this transaction when there was never a SALE that took place, and the diapers were delivered to me in a gift bag?)

He responded 'Well, there's like 90 diapers in that bag - you should expect to pay SOMETHING for them...'

Oh, should I?

What on earth is this? Who is this guy?

I'm giving the GIFT back. What would you do?

Seriously though. Why would I pay money for leftover diapers, not in a box? I'll get my own NEW diapers, especially if I'm forking out ANY sort of cash for them.

And, to make matters worse, another guy that I work with piped in 'Yeah Steve, 'She' can pay you for them, 'She' is loaded.'

Who are these idiots, and where is their Social Grace? Any why on earth would anybody's financial standing have anything to do with why they should or should not get a gift?

Neither of them know mine anyway - I'm just starting to assume they are both slimy salesman. And, don't they realize that we all have the same job, and likely get paid close to the same? Stupid.


And, lame of me to bring this 'thought' into the workplace, but REALLY, WHO gives leftover diapers, and then asks the PREGNANT lady to give them money for them. Who are these sick people?


Laurel said...

Okay, SERIOUSLY????!!! Wow. I'm wondering if his wife knows he is asking another woman to PAY for leftover diapers... Though it was probably the ho's idea. If he's not someone you're worried about burning a possible bridge with, I would probably give them back like you said just to make a point. Lame.

Danielle said...

I think the point is worth driving home. I'm taking them back NOW. He's such a weirdo!!!

It's embarrasing that I even know people who are like this.

Michelle said...

I think you should make him a batch of cookies for Christmas, and then hand him a receipt for the ingredients and ask for reimbursement.

Laurel said...

Michelle just made me laugh out loud!!!

Danielle said...

I totally laughed too! Michelle is hilarious!

Yup - I also brought the diapers back. Hilarious!!

Alicia said...

I want to know what happened when you gave them back. Seriously.

Danielle said...

It gets better. The rest has to happen in person...

Brooke said...

Dee- ummm funny! What a lame @%# guy! I want to know what happened too when you returned them.

And you have another blog???